In the latest installment of our Teen Mom Halloween costume suggestions we turned to Walt Disney once again for inspiration. (You might remember Farrah Abraham in her Princess Jasmine costume along with daughter Sophia sporting and Abu the monkey get up – both from the Disney film Aladdin.) This time around we have Teen Mom super couple Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra dressed as Snow White and Prince Charming! (Note to readers, YES THIS IS PHOTOSHOPPED! We are not trying to trick anybody, this is a “suggestion” and completely made up and PHOTOSHOPPED.)
When thinking of an idea for Catelynn I instantly thought of Snow White! (Perhaps it’s because of her shorter hair and propensity for wearing bows and flowers?) And of course Tyler is Teen Mom‘s equivalent of Prince Charming with his fairy tale mix of romanticism, strength, and emotion! (And check out those abs!)
I figure Catelynn’s little brother Nick can take his pick from the seven dwarfs, although I would recommend Brainy. (Anyone else get the impression that little dude is sharp as a tack?) [UPDATE – Clearly I should dress up as Dopey because as a commenter points out, Brainy isn’t one of the seven dwarfs but a Smurf. D’oh! I suppose I meant to say Nick should be Doc.]
(You can get both the Snow White and the Prince Charming costumes at!)