How to run in-game Benchmark in Modern Warfare 2

Getting a better FPS in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 enhances the experience of any player. Being a competitive player is not necessary to be concerned about Frame rates. The smoother the FPS, the smoother will be the gaming experience. Players need to have optimal settings for getting average frames. The Benchmark test allows players can test a particular game using their current graphics settings to determine their average frames-per-second. This enables players to monitor the performance of their computer’s hardware.

Infinity Ward has finally implemented the long-awaited Benchmark feature in Modern Warfare 2. Many PC players from the community have been waiting for this very moment when they can fully monitor the system’s performance while running the game. Although this feature is warmly appreciated in the community, some players have trouble finding the Benchmark Test in-game.

In this article, we will discuss some easy steps on how players can run a benchmark test on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.

How to run a Benchmark Test in Modern Warfare 2

Follow the following steps to run a benchmark test in MW2:

1) Booting up the game

The initial step that players have to follow is booting up their game. After launching the game, players will be transported to the game’s opening lobby screen. Various game modes, including Campaign, Multiplayer, and Special-ops, are available for players.

2) Accessing the Benchmark Mode

To access the benchmark mode, players must go to the settings menu. They can choose the graphics tab and then the benchmark option from here. Once the benchmark mode has loaded, they can begin their test.

3) Running the Benchmark Test

Players will witness several gaming scenes while taking the benchmark test. It will take several minutes to complete the test of their computer on how effectively it can render scenarios. After the test, players can see a summary of the results.

4) Making changes in Graphics settings

Players can raise their scores by adjusting their graphics settings if a player’s benchmark results are not as good as they would like. The resolution can be altered by turning off anti-aliasing, and the texture quality can be decreased among the settings. Additionally, players can modify the lighting, reflection, and shadow settings to raise the overall score.

For the best and most precise results, It is advisable to close resource-intensive background activities, such as antivirus software or browsers with numerous open tabs. Just remember that benchmarking is not just limited to Modern Warfare 2. The players can also use different benchmarking software to measure their PC performance on other games and applications. For more Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2-related articles, stay tuned to Sportskeeda.

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