Fundraiser raises over $135,000 for severely injured western photographer

Emmie Sperandeo, the photographer known for her western-themed snaps is currently hospitalized after a riding incident left her severely injured. She was airlifted to an Arizona-based trauma center on May 15, 2023, after the horse she was riding "spun and fell on top of her."

The news was confirmed by Emmie's sister Natalie Sperandeo, who added that the photographer has been in ICU since the incident and is under careful monitoring due to her head trauma.

Sperandeo went viral three years ago on TikTok after she started creating content about her daily life. She is known to share cinematic snaps and videos of rural landscapes and farm animals across the globe. Many have lauded her decision to move away from steady city life to live and work on ranches.

Emmie Sperandeo's older sister, Natalie, set up a GoFundMe campaign on her sister's behalf where she regularly shares updates. The donations would go for Emmie Sperandeo's medical expenses and recovery. The page has raised around $139,000 out of the $150,000 goal, since its conception five days ago.

In addition to the incident on May 15, Emmie Sperandeo is still reeling from a concussion sustained last month

According to her interview with Cowboy Lifestyle, Emmie Sperandeo stated that she grew up in Central Florida, exploring the outdoors surrounded by animals. She studied cinematography and after graduating, moved to Oregon for work at a tech startup company. She explained that she was "nervous" about landing a job and accepted the role.

However, finding her city life unfulfilling, the photographer took up work at horse barns to " alleviate some of (the) stress" that comes with the lifestyle. She soon found an opportunity to work on a ranch and "took it."

Natalie explained that the incident took place during a Cattle Movement at one of the ranches she was working on, and "for all intents and purposes" she has been unconscious.

Emmie Sperandeo was still recovering from a broken finger and concussion sustained last month when she got thrown off a bucking horse onto a fence railing.

After being rushed to the trauma center, she was placed in the ICU for monitoring but not yet sedated as she was suffering from a "brain injury, persistent swelling and bleeding" that was confirmed through a full-body MRI.

On May 18, Natalie elaborated that Emmie has at least two skull fractures and bleeding from her ears and that neurosurgeons would observe her for an additional 3-4 days to make an accurate prognosis.

A day later, she confirmed that the photographer was stable, but "not out of the woods yet." The elder Sperandeo sibling added that the doctors were awaiting the swelling in her brain to reduce to proceed with further procedures. At the time, Emmie Sperandeo was "consciousness for brief periods of time" but immediately fell back asleep.

Natalie set up an e-card with the help of a family friend, Chaya, that anyone could sign and share their wishes with Emmie. On May 21, she also updated that Emmie was conscious for a day, and later added that she was moved out of the ICU to the neurological ward where she would undergo speech and physical therapy.

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